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Brighter, Healthier-Looking Skin in Under an Hour

At SkinCeuticals SkinLab, we know skin. Our skin experts perform SkinCeuticals targeted skin treatments, HydraFacial, chemical peels, and signature facials in our convenient Ashburn medical spa. Whether you are looking for a relaxing, luxurious facial, or you have acne, uneven skin, sensitive skin, or signs of aging you are looking to correct, our SkinCeuticals targeted treatments can help your skin tremendously. In addition to our SkinCeuticals SkinLuxe Facial, we proudly offer HydraFacial and four signature medical facial treatments designed to address your top skin concerns. Our goal is to take you from your consultation through your treatment in under an hour and to deliver brighter, healthier skin.​

Facial Services A

SkinCeuticals SkinLuxe Facial

Give your skin the care it needs with the SkinCeuticals SkinLuxe Signature Facial. This exceptional 60-minute treatment is meticulously crafted to address your specific skin concerns. This treatment utilizes exfoliation, massage, and masking in combination with C E Ferulic to target your individual skin concerns.

Skinceuticals Signature Facial Treatments


Treats Acne + Congestion

SkinCeuticals SkinClear is a targeted facial treatment designed to prevent breakouts while reducing pore congestion and blemishes. This 30-minute facial utilizes decongesting Clay Mask, exfoliating acids, and blue light therapy to deliver noticeably clearer skin.


Treats Texture + Fine Lines

SkinCeuticals SkinSmooth is a targeted facial treatment to smooth and soften rough skin. This 30-minute facial utilizes exfoliating acids combined with Phyto Corrective Gel and LED light to ensure your skin always looks great, especially before an upcoming event. Dermaplaning add-on available


Treats Dullness + Discoloration

SkinCeuticals SkinBright is a targeted Hydrafacial treatment combined with a SkinCeuticals chemical peel to provide brighter, healthier-looking skin in under an hour. This 45-minute treatment visibly brightens the skin and improves stubborn discolorations.


Treats Wrinkles + Laxity

SkinCeuticals SkinFirm is a microneedling treatment designed to remedy issues such as wrinkles and loss of firmness. This 45-minute treatment combines microneedling and Hydrating B5 Gel to rejuvenate your skin and address age related concerns.

woman getting face treatment

Ashburn Hydrafacials, Dermaplaning, and Chemical Peels

At SkinCeuticals SkinLab in Ashburn, we perform a variety of different treatments to help you look and feel your best. Our expert skin therapists offer dermaplaning therapy to exfoliate dead skin cells away, as well as a full range of HydraFacial treatments and chemical peels. When our professionals perform HydraFacial treatments, they will cleanse and exfoliate the skin, perform pore extraction, and infuse the skin with various serums for the deepest hydration. Our SkinCeuticals Chemical Peels are available to you as well. Chemical peel treatments involve applying different safe for the skin chemicals that act as a facial peel. Chemical peels encourage the smooth texture of the skin while treating blemishes, wrinkles, and uneven skin pigmentation. Our treatments include:

  • Signature Hydrafacial
  • Deluxe Hydrafacial
  • SkinCeuticals Micropeel for Aging Skin
  • SkinCeuticals Micropeel Plus for Acneic Skin
  • SkinCeuticals Advanced Corrective Peel
  • SkinCeuticals Smart TCA Peel
  • Dermaplaning

Get State-of-the-Art Skincare From Our Personalized Skin Experts