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Discover the Elite Experience, the Latest Generation of Coolsculpting® in ASHBURN, VA

CoolSculpting® is a non-surgical, clinically proven, no-downtime treatment, that selectively reduces unwanted fat using a patented cooling technology. Cleared by the FDA, CoolSculpting® works by gently cooling targeted fat cells to induce a natural, controlled elimination of fat cells with permanent results.

At SkinCeuticals Skinlab ™ by Nova Plastic Surgery, we use the CoolSculpting ELITE® which is the most advanced technology from CoolSculpting®. Using the same cryolipolysis technology, the ELITE® is designed to treat the body more efficiently, and effectively, using newly-designed applicators that cover up to 18% more skin surface than the original CoolSculpting® technology. Providing increased fat reduction, with shorter treatment times.

Male CoolSculping

Female CoolSculping

Frequently Asked Questions

Also known as cryolipolysis, the CoolSculpting ELITE® uses a specialized applicator with vacuum technology to draw the targeted area between two cooling plates, freezing and destroying fat cells without damaging the surrounding tissue. Because fat cells are more susceptible to damage from cold than other cells, they die off and are naturally eliminated by the body. The results are permanent.

There is no downtime! You may return to normal activities immediately post-treatment.

Coolsculpting® is a non-surgical, in-office treatment, so risks are minimal. Our CoolSculpting® experts will review any side effects during your consultation.

CoolSculpting® treats sub-mental fat bulges under the chin, on the thighs, abdomen, and flanks (love handles), along with bra fat, back fat, underneath the buttocks (banana rolls), and arms. Our CoolSculpting® experts will create a customized treatment plan that’s tailored to your body and your individual goals.

Results take up to 12 weeks to develop. A secondary and sometimes third treatment is necessary on the same area(s) 4 weeks after the initial treatment to achieve optimal results.

The Coolsculpting® treatment yields a maximum reduction of 25% of fat for each treatment. 2-3 treatment sessions of same treatment area are necessary for visible results.

Results are permanent.

It is imperative to book a consult with one of our CoolSculpting® experts in order to determine whether the area(s) you wish to treat are suitable for treatment. If our experts determine that you are a good candidate, they will then expertly map out how many treatments areas and number of sessions you will need to achieve your desired results. Based on the customized treatment plan, the cost of your plan will be discussed and your first treatment will be scheduled.

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